
Thursday, February 12, 2015

Archery Eye-Candy 2

First up in, Segment 2, of our epic endeavor to cover all things gorgeous with a bow and arrow, we begin with Daniel.

She's hanging onto a Custom Recurve from Stewart Hybrid Bows. A quick search on the interwebs turns up bupkis. All I could find was a few messages in a forum thread and a defunct web address. It's a shame really, we really liked this video. The music was great and the model holding the hardware actually attempts to do things properly.

You can see a few more videos from Jeff Stewart, the man who posted this video over 2 years ago, on his youtube channel here.

In the description of the video Stewart explains, "I made this bow for Daniel last fall. It is Tiger wood, 40 lb at 28 inch draw. 40 pounds is still a bit much for her, she is pulling around 30 lb and 20 inches maybe. But she is driving nails with it!"

In one of the comments under this video, Jeff adds, "Its still a little to heavy for her to pull all the way but we are working on that! She scored a 143 in her first 3D tournament though." Way to go, Daniel! We'd love to see more videos.

Speaking of doing things properly, OMG!, this plucky brit is many things, including a quick learner. If you can make it through all the inane chatter at the beginning about a youtube school project, she actually makes remarkable improvement from her first through to her last shot of the day.'

Her name is Lex, and she is a serious youtuber. You can visit her youtube channel and become a fan here... if you like.

I find Lex's apathy rather unsettling, especially because she obviously has some natural abilities. Lex rattles off in the very beginning of this video,"in this video I am going to learn a new skill. A skill I probably shouldn't have, but now I do, and I can't undo it."

If you start poking about her youtube channel you won't discover much about her. In the about section of her TRYANNOSAURUSLEXXX youtube channel, she describes the content within as, "Dumb internet videos every Tuesday and Friday by Lex."

Finally, the video is called, Arrow to the butt prank, which does not sound funny to me. It was posted by the youtube handle, Just For Gags and if you watch it, I'm sure you'd agree; pretty damn funny.

I wonder how long it took the unknowing participants to miss the target. Perhaps they were helped to miss by crappy instruction, though it looks as though most who tried had reasonable form.

Just for Gags has over 4 million subscribers!

Blog post written by Edward Seaton