
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Can A PVC bow make a Zombie go BOOM?

In one word, no, a PVC bow cannot make a zombie go boom, but that has more to do with the fact that zombies only go boom in video games... obviously, everyone knows that.

"The PVC Bow! All you need is a 1 inch diameter 5 feet long PVC pipe, some paracord and you have yourself a sweet do-it-yourself zombie bow! With a draw weight of 55 pounds this bad daddy defiantly stand a chance to make a zombie go boom!"

This video is in fact a marketing piece and they are not ashamed to admit it. Turns out, you can buy your very own Zombie head, and if you stick your finger into it's eye socket, it feels like... well, it feels like a Zombie eye socket is supposed to feel. Not sure. What we do know for sure, is that the dude in this video can't shoot... that's a fact. If you do find yourself in need of a realistic Zombie head, you can buy them at,

If you are interested in building and shooting a PVC bow there is a guy who does know what he's doing.

Everyone knows you can make really great bow out of PVC pipe if you know what you're doing. The BackyardBowyer has been showing folks how to build their own PVC Bow for some time now, and it must be working because he's got over 80,000 folks following his youtube channel

The BackyardBowyer's name is Nick, and he explains, "I'm an avid archer and bowyer and absolutely love archery in all its forms. One of my dreams is to teach everyone the value of archery and the lessons that can be learned. It's a lofty goal, but I try my best in my own little way to make archery more accessible to people who may not have the resources or opportunities otherwise."

Thanks, Nick! Love your work. If anyone could make a Zombie go boom with a PVC bow, it would be the BackyardBowyer.

Blog post written by Edward Seaton