
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Fastest Nerfer Ever!

The Danes are at it again. This time it's Nils Maarsden with nimble fingers and the dexterity of a drunk chimp. Oh, he's real, and you don't want to mess with him!

The ultimate nerfery trick! Lars Andersen finally has a worthy challenger. He may be the real life Hawkeye, but Nils is the real life kid from that '90s nerf commercial who you really always wanted to be.

Proof that Hollywood nerfery is not historical, in fact they've had it all wrong since before Howard Hill.

The video proclaims, "decades ago, master Nerfers were able preform incredible feats of... Nerfery! These skills have long since been forgotten, but Norwegian Nerfer, Nils Maarsden has been trying to reinvent what has been lost." We think he's found it.

"Nils realized that, what we thought was historical Nerfery, only works wells with microwave doors and Nickelodeon ads." When he started shooting a decade ago, Nils quickly realized that his pockets were only suitable for old receipts and the occasional forgotten, but still sticky gummie bear. Pockets would never work properly for the professionally trained Nerf ninja.

"The old manuals said that a Master Nerfer could shoot with both hands, so he began practicing"

"The only reason Nils is able to do it, is because he's spent years practicing... and he has no job."

Robin Hood couldn't hold a candle to Nils Maarsden and that whole splitting an arrow down the middle is just something Myth Busters proved false, but not for Nils; he can split a dart in mid-air, and we saw it on the Interwebs, so it must be true... and he did it on the first try... that's true too.

If you're interested in more from from this comedy trope you can find it here:



Blog post written by Edward Seaton