
Thursday, February 26, 2015

Can A PVC bow make a Zombie go BOOM?

In one word, no, a PVC bow cannot make a zombie go boom, but that has more to do with the fact that zombies only go boom in video games... obviously, everyone knows that.

"The PVC Bow! All you need is a 1 inch diameter 5 feet long PVC pipe, some paracord and you have yourself a sweet do-it-yourself zombie bow! With a draw weight of 55 pounds this bad daddy defiantly stand a chance to make a zombie go boom!"

This video is in fact a marketing piece and they are not ashamed to admit it. Turns out, you can buy your very own Zombie head, and if you stick your finger into it's eye socket, it feels like... well, it feels like a Zombie eye socket is supposed to feel. Not sure. What we do know for sure, is that the dude in this video can't shoot... that's a fact. If you do find yourself in need of a realistic Zombie head, you can buy them at,

If you are interested in building and shooting a PVC bow there is a guy who does know what he's doing.

Everyone knows you can make really great bow out of PVC pipe if you know what you're doing. The BackyardBowyer has been showing folks how to build their own PVC Bow for some time now, and it must be working because he's got over 80,000 folks following his youtube channel

The BackyardBowyer's name is Nick, and he explains, "I'm an avid archer and bowyer and absolutely love archery in all its forms. One of my dreams is to teach everyone the value of archery and the lessons that can be learned. It's a lofty goal, but I try my best in my own little way to make archery more accessible to people who may not have the resources or opportunities otherwise."

Thanks, Nick! Love your work. If anyone could make a Zombie go boom with a PVC bow, it would be the BackyardBowyer.

Blog post written by Edward Seaton

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Rinse and Repeat Target.

Targets are expensive, and often the reason the new archers lose interest in the sport. It's hard to justify expensive targets when the budget is tight. This guy had a great solution for his indoor practice range. Joe Walford posted this picture to facebook and gave us a thumbs up to blog about it! Thanks Joe.

Joe writes, "Best indoor target set up that you can do, 1 foot deep with heavy wire on the front, filled with recycled clothes. covered with some cardboard. I then hang some paracord from the ceiling with a heavy object on the end then tie it around a water bottle and swing it back-and-forth to have a moving target."

When I looked at this simple design I immediately thought of a role of chicken wire that I have stashed under the house, but apparently chicken wire has a tendency to shave your arrows down.

"I originally made it with chicken wire but found that I was cutting through the chickenwire once in a while, after doing this a few times I would pull my wooden arrows out and it would curve down the side of the shafts. This steel comes in a 4 x 8 sheet and it made for placing in concrete, cost $13 at Home Depot and should last forever."

Thanks again, Joe Walford. Cool idea.

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Fastest Nerfer Ever!

The Danes are at it again. This time it's Nils Maarsden with nimble fingers and the dexterity of a drunk chimp. Oh, he's real, and you don't want to mess with him!

The ultimate nerfery trick! Lars Andersen finally has a worthy challenger. He may be the real life Hawkeye, but Nils is the real life kid from that '90s nerf commercial who you really always wanted to be.

Proof that Hollywood nerfery is not historical, in fact they've had it all wrong since before Howard Hill.

The video proclaims, "decades ago, master Nerfers were able preform incredible feats of... Nerfery! These skills have long since been forgotten, but Norwegian Nerfer, Nils Maarsden has been trying to reinvent what has been lost." We think he's found it.

"Nils realized that, what we thought was historical Nerfery, only works wells with microwave doors and Nickelodeon ads." When he started shooting a decade ago, Nils quickly realized that his pockets were only suitable for old receipts and the occasional forgotten, but still sticky gummie bear. Pockets would never work properly for the professionally trained Nerf ninja.

"The old manuals said that a Master Nerfer could shoot with both hands, so he began practicing"

"The only reason Nils is able to do it, is because he's spent years practicing... and he has no job."

Robin Hood couldn't hold a candle to Nils Maarsden and that whole splitting an arrow down the middle is just something Myth Busters proved false, but not for Nils; he can split a dart in mid-air, and we saw it on the Interwebs, so it must be true... and he did it on the first try... that's true too.

If you're interested in more from from this comedy trope you can find it here:



Blog post written by Edward Seaton

Friday, February 20, 2015

Rinehart 9 Inch Field Target Review

rinehart rft cu

The 9 inch Rinehart Field Target, or RFT for short, is a target that was designed to be taken anywhere. Rinehart's website proclaims the RFT, the ultimate go-anywhere practice partner.

Hannah and I use ours behind our house on an old abandoned railway line. It is a breeze to carry with you.

rinehart rft cu and 18 - 1
It's made out of the same stuff as the Rinehart 18 - 1. I've had my 18 - 1 for 10 years, and it's still stopping arrows today, so I'm confident that this 'toss'able version will last for awhile.

It's got a heavier flat base, they say it has a lump of sand in there. This is to insure that the RFT always lands upright and ready. The RFT was made to be thrown.

sexy hannah gart shoots bow
Stump shooting is great, but in my experience, if you're loosing expensive arrows regularly, you won't go that often. Instead of looking for stumps to shoot, that could be thick on all sides with brush and undergrowth, now I'm looking for suitable backdrops that will stop my arrows if I miss this portable target. I find missing to be inevitable...

I'm shooting 50 pounds of draw with a 125 grain field point, and the RFT can easily stop my arrows. It was built to withstand the much faster feet per second modern compounds and crossbows, so all of you shooting traditional equipment will not shoot through this little target.

rinehart field target
You just can't beat such a versatile little target for under 40 bucks. I ordered mine from 3Rivers Archery supply and I got them within a week. Throw it in the car, or down a hill, the Rinehart Field Target will always land on its base, and always give you something to shoot at.
rinehart field target 2
For archery instinct this is Edward Seaton, reviewing the 9 inch Rinehart Field Target. Thanks for watching.
rinehart field target 3

Blog post written by Edward Seaton

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Archery Instinct is a Timeless Story

This video is a mash-up of some of Archery's best cinematic moments. There is something ancient in connecting with traditional methods which is pure and reflects the quality and the character of the archer, not the equipment.

This video features the non-hunting aspects of traditional methods as well as the women (at least the female characters) that are shaping Archery in the 21st century.

moments for this video include;

Hunger Games -

The Weather Man -

Brave -

Robin Hood -

Clips from Archery Tag -

Clips from DarMay -

Clips from Karma Tales -

Clips from Bearpaw -

For more information about Archery Instinct, visit and find us on facebook.

Thanks for watching!

Blog post written by Edward Seaton

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Archery Eye-Candy 2

First up in, Segment 2, of our epic endeavor to cover all things gorgeous with a bow and arrow, we begin with Daniel.

She's hanging onto a Custom Recurve from Stewart Hybrid Bows. A quick search on the interwebs turns up bupkis. All I could find was a few messages in a forum thread and a defunct web address. It's a shame really, we really liked this video. The music was great and the model holding the hardware actually attempts to do things properly.

You can see a few more videos from Jeff Stewart, the man who posted this video over 2 years ago, on his youtube channel here.

In the description of the video Stewart explains, "I made this bow for Daniel last fall. It is Tiger wood, 40 lb at 28 inch draw. 40 pounds is still a bit much for her, she is pulling around 30 lb and 20 inches maybe. But she is driving nails with it!"

In one of the comments under this video, Jeff adds, "Its still a little to heavy for her to pull all the way but we are working on that! She scored a 143 in her first 3D tournament though." Way to go, Daniel! We'd love to see more videos.

Speaking of doing things properly, OMG!, this plucky brit is many things, including a quick learner. If you can make it through all the inane chatter at the beginning about a youtube school project, she actually makes remarkable improvement from her first through to her last shot of the day.'

Her name is Lex, and she is a serious youtuber. You can visit her youtube channel and become a fan here... if you like.

I find Lex's apathy rather unsettling, especially because she obviously has some natural abilities. Lex rattles off in the very beginning of this video,"in this video I am going to learn a new skill. A skill I probably shouldn't have, but now I do, and I can't undo it."

If you start poking about her youtube channel you won't discover much about her. In the about section of her TRYANNOSAURUSLEXXX youtube channel, she describes the content within as, "Dumb internet videos every Tuesday and Friday by Lex."

Finally, the video is called, Arrow to the butt prank, which does not sound funny to me. It was posted by the youtube handle, Just For Gags and if you watch it, I'm sure you'd agree; pretty damn funny.

I wonder how long it took the unknowing participants to miss the target. Perhaps they were helped to miss by crappy instruction, though it looks as though most who tried had reasonable form.

Just for Gags has over 4 million subscribers!

Blog post written by Edward Seaton

Monday, February 9, 2015

Andersen Undone by Maltese

If you're into Traditional archery and at all savvy with the old internets you've probably seen, Lars Andersen skipping about, making claims that he'd rediscovered lost and far superior techniques with the old stick and string. Turns out, he was full of sh... himself, and was completely wrong on most fronts.

Enter the drop-dead gorgeous, ass-kicking, fire flinging, monkey staff twirling, Level 2 Instructor and her boyfriend's video channel dedicated to debunking... the bunk.

The name of the channel is is, skepticallypwnd and it covers everything from, well, now Archery to Bigfoot getting kicked in the giblets. It was most certainly Anna Maltese's feelings on Lar's video that prompted this clever and comprehensive response.

Point by point Maltese breaks down this internet sensation, and continues to be on-point with further rebuttals for the avid and interested archer saying, "In the interests of time, I had to cut down the rebuttal for the video. I’d have liked to mention two other things: first, that the reason most archers use the opposite side of the riser from the draw hand (resulting in the Archer’s Paradox) is that this allows us to actually sight down the arrow in a more direct aim at the target. On the same side, the arrow is hidden from the archer’s vision by the riser, and forces the archer to aim further to the other side in order to compensate for the skewed trajectory. And second, to Lars’ claim of piercing armor: unless chain mail is riveted, it’s easily pierced with an arrow even from a lightweight bow, and we never see whether it’s riveted or how far away Lars is from the chain mail when it’s pierced."

Lar's video has proved popular with uninitiated, but more quickly than he might have expected it, the black-lash from those with significant credentials has been not only swift, like the arrows from Lar's bow, but unlike arrows from his bow, powerful and accurate as well.  

If you're interested in seeing more of John Rael, the producer of this video, you can visit his youtube channel at SkepticallyPwnd

If you're interested in reading more about how silly Lars is, please do so at Snopes. or GeekDad,

Blog post written by Edward Seaton